Carpet Washing in Glendale AZ

Cleaning carpets with a rotary machineHow do modern housewives wash their carpets? Carpet cleaning in Glendale AZ at home is limited to just a vacuum cleaner. You can also use publicly available store products. At first these methods help. But only until the carpet encounters truly serious contamination of the pile and backing. And if spilled juice, tea and fat can still be removed independently using household household chemicals, then housewives themselves cannot cope with such contaminants as traces of urine, vomit, paints and plasticine. There is a solution – carpet cleaning with removal to a workshop in Glendale AZ.

The company “Momentum Carpet and Floor Care” – industrial washing of carpets with removal to the workshop in Glendale AZ, Paradise Valley AZ, Peoria AZ, Phoenix AZ, Scottsdale AZ
How the carpet washing process is carried out in Glendale AZ
1. A specialist will visit your home to pick up your product.
After submitting a request for professional influencersgonewild carpet cleaning, we confirm the date and time for collection of the product. On the appointed day and time, our driver comes to you with a receipt for receiving the product. He marks the product with a label gun and carefully delivers it to the carpet cleaning factory.
2. Measurement of product dimensions and registration.
Upon arrival at the workshop, before washing the imac pro i7 4k
carpet, we measure it, our technologist conducts a visual inspection of the product to identify the degree of contamination, the presence of stains, composition and existing defects.
3. Mechanical carpet beating using a powerful dusting machine
This is an extremely important step in carpet cleaning. A dust blower helps get rid of dust, dirt and other insoluble contaminants that have accumulated deep in the carpet backing. Facilitates the washing process and makes it high quality and as efficient as possible. It also increases its speed and facilitates the process
4. Removing stains from carpets
Before the main carpet cleaning, we carry out the procedure for removing individual stains.
If it is impossible to visually determine the composition of the stain, its age and origin, we contact the client. For each stain, we use a stain remover that is suitable in composition. For grease stains – highly alkaline compounds, for stains of wine, juices, paints – acid stain removers.
We also remove urine and mold from carpets in compliance with strictly defined technology and within 3-4 hours using professional imported compounds.
5. Cleaning carpets with a rotary machine.
Cleaning with a rotary machine is the main ngfll stage of carpet washing. During this process, the product’s lint is cleaned. The rotary machine, like a heavy-duty brush, tirelessly scrubs the carpet to remove dirt. When cleaning a carpet with a rotor, only hypoallergenic shampoos are used, used according to the composition of the product. All of them have international certificates of conformity
6. Rinsing and spinning carpets
After the main cleaning of the carpet, the process of rinsing and spinning begins. Using a large amount of water, foam and remaining dirt are removed. After which the carpet is placed in a centrifuge – a device for final rinsing and spinning of the product. Like a washing machine drum, it rotates and removes remaining moisture. At the end we get a 95 percent dry product. Spinning is the final stage of carpet washing.
7. Drying carpets
After carrying out a set of measures, the almost dry carpet is placed in a special chamber for final drying. The room is equipped with a modern ventilation system and moisture-absorbing equipment, which allows you to quickly and efficiently get rid of residual moisture. Carpet dry cleaning in Glendale AZ has as its main principle the return of completely dry products to customers.
8. Final processing and delivery
A clean and dry carpet undergoes final treatment. The craftsmen comb the products, comb the fringes, and check for defects. For some clients, we optionally scent the carpets. On the contrary, if there are children or animals in the house, or the client is sensitive to odors, we do not perform aromatization. In this case, the carpet has only a subtle aroma of conditioner.

A completely dry, clean and fragrant carpet is packaged in a special sleeve for transporting the product home.
9. Delivery.
After all manipulations have been completed, we call clients to confirm a convenient date and time interval for delivery. Our employee delivers the carpet on the appointed day and brings it into the apartment. Payment is made upon readiness, which means you can unpack the product, unwrap it and check the quality of the carpet washing, and feel its smell. And only after that make payment in cash or by bank transfer. The price of carpet cleaning in Scottsdale AZ is affordable for the population, which makes it possible to clean carpets in Glendale AZ on a regular basis.

Carpet Washing in Glendale AZ